Code of Ethics

The Digital News Publishers Association, represented by Story Times Holding Limited, has voluntarily established a Code of Ethics for its members, as outlined below. This code signifies our unwavering commitment to responsible digital publishing while safeguarding constitutional freedoms, including those enshrined in Article 19 (1) (a). We remain vigilant in monitoring developments that may affect the collection and dissemination of news, current affairs, and other content.


The objective of this Code is to establish high standards, ethical practices, and guidelines in digital news publishing. It does not seek to interfere with the day-to-day operations of publishers who retain complete editorial and content independence.


The core principles of the Code of Ethics are to uphold the standards of digital publishing and protect the independence of journalists, content entities, and publishers.

Compliance with Laws

Digital news websites associated with adhere to all relevant laws, including the Constitution of India, over 30 media-related laws, provisions of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC), and the Information Technology Act, 2000, where applicable.

Accuracy, Transparency & Fairness

  • Members shall refrain from publishing inaccurate, baseless, or distorted material. Mandatory pre-publication verification is required, and defamation is to be avoided.
  • We are committed to adhering to applicable laws and rules while maintaining transparency and fairness in our reporting.

Right of Reply

  • News reports and articles should incorporate comments or versions of individuals or parties concerning whom allegations are made. If omitted initially, responses received later should be included.
  • Should there be any developments in a news story, and the concerned individual or party requests an update, it will be appropriately covered, with the date of the update clearly stated.

Take Down, Delete, or Edit

  • If a news report or article contains false or inaccurate information, we will promptly edit or delete the relevant portion upon request by the affected party, provided they provide correct information and necessary documentation.
  • If an entire news report is found to contain false or inaccurate information, the entire article will be deleted.

Respect for Intellectual Property Rights

  • We respect copyright in text, photographs, plans, diagrams, cartoons, and other content. Permission will be sought, and moral and ownership rights will be acknowledged when using copyrighted material.
  • In case of intellectual property infringement, upon receiving requests and necessary documentation, we will edit, delete, or take down the concerned content.

Responsible Reporting

  • We exercise care when reporting sensational matters and crimes, preserving the presumption of innocence. Speculation and comments on evidence, witnesses, accused, and victims will be avoided, ensuring reporting is based on facts and unbiased.
  • Special care will be taken when reporting on sensitive topics such as sexual harassment in the workplace, child abuse, rape, matrimonial disputes, communal clashes, and other related matters.

Compliance with IT Act, 2000

  • We adhere to Sections 67, 67A, and 67B of the Information Technology Act, 2000, where applicable, which provide penalties for publishing or transmitting obscene material, sexually explicit material, and material depicting children in explicit acts.

Grievance Redressal Mechanism

  • As intermediaries under the Information Technology Act, 2000, we follow the grievance redressal mechanism outlined therein. We are aware of our liabilities and safe harbor protections under Section 79 of the IT Act 2000, and we adhere to the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines) Rules, 2011.
  • We appoint a grievance officer whose contact details are prominently displayed on our website. Complaints received are addressed within 36 hours, and resolutions are provided within one month.

Training and Awareness Programs

  • We conduct regular training and awareness programs for our editorial staff to ensure compliance with existing laws, including the Constitution of India, media-related laws, and relevant provisions of the Indian Penal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure.
  • We exercise caution to protect the privacy of individuals not in public life, avoiding the publication of names or details that could lead to the identification of victims or perpetrators, especially in sensitive cases.

Reporting on Communal or Religious Disputes/Clashes

  • We exercise special care and caution when reporting on communal or religious disputes and clashes. Such news items are published only after a thorough verification of facts and are presented with due restraint to promote communal harmony and peace.

Reporting on Courts and Judicial Matters

  • We uphold respect for the judicial system and ensure correct reporting of court hearings and judicial matters. Versions of both victims and accused are covered without comments.

Respect for Privacy

  • We respect the privacy of individuals who are not in public life and refrain from disclosing their personal information., along with its affiliated digital news websites, is dedicated to upholding these principles and ensuring responsible, ethical digital publishing.